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As a leader you have a responsibility to do three things if you want to create high performing teams and achieve business results. Without positive outcomes, effort is just effort.


So the question becomes, 'How do you turn effort into the results you desire?’ How do you create high performing teams? There is no one silver bullet, but there are what I like to call silver bullet processes that, if followed, will lead you to achieve the goals you want.


Psychologists tell us that whilst there are many things that influence human behaviours, there is only one thing that determines it. Consequences! And consequences are the by-product of accountability.

Everyday leaders must be doing three things. First: clarifying what they want as an outcome. Second: providing constant support and coaching. And third, and probably the most important of all, holding people accountable by using consequences carefully.


Why is it important to apply these things in this order? It will be difficult, unfair, and maybe even unlawful to hold someone accountable and apply consequences for an outcome that you didn’t clarify and for which you provided no support or assistance.

The key takeaway from this episode is that business performance is driven by behaviours.  Whilst incentives and influences help modify behaviours, only consequences and holding staff accountable will determine whether you get the behaviours you need to be successful